Quickbooks Lehmo Campaign

When accountant-turned-comedian Lehmo partnered with Quickbooks for a tax time campaign, he utilised Stupid Old Studios’ comedy expertise and state-of-the-art studio to produce a series of funny and informative videos.

The Brief

Quickbooks partnered with comedian Lehmo for a series of videos aimed at small businesses to provide them with some quick tips in the lead up to the tax time.

The videos were short, sharp and funny with a roll out across social media.

When it came to actually making the videos, Lehmo recommended Stupid Old Studios for their comedy chops and fantastic sound-proof studio.

Our Approach

With the scripts already written, it was Stupid Old Studios job to work out the best way to film the scripts within the timeframe and budget.

The scripts included a variety of settings including an office, a Las Vegas pool, a ceramics studio and a cafe.

With only two days to shoot six spots we utilised our LED video walls to create stylised backdrops allowing for quick set changes.

Without the need to build big sets, our art department then set out to build out the spaces.

Cut downs

One thing that is requested on almost every campaign we do these days is cut downs!

However cutting a 60 second scripts to 15, 5 and sometimes even 3 seconds is not as simple as “fixing it in post”.

To ensure that each video packs the same punch, and makes sense at any length, we always recommend writing alternative, shorter scripts. While it might take a little longer to shoot on the day - it will save you many hours and tears in the edit suite.

In the case of Quickbooks, those shorted scripts were created on the fly, in collaboration with Lehmo and our editor Evan Munro-smith

Our Services

  • Full production services including an experienced comedy Director and production design

  • Custom studio hire including use of our LED video walls and pop up green screen for the Las Vegas pool scene

  • Full post production services

The Outcome

Delivery of

  • 6 x 30 sec videos

  • 6 x 15 sec videos

  • All delivered as 9:16, 16:9 and 1:1

The campaign was a success and the client ended up recording an additional three spots later int he year


YNG Martyr “YNG”


Nest Perimeter feat. Kerryx